《99 Problems》的中英文歌詞如下:
曲中曲 詞中意 杯中酒 莫停
一杯酒呀兩杯酒呀 三杯四杯成知己
這人生呀百態 真真假假莫問
九十九個煩惱 留一個給明天
今天的我今天醉 今天的你我今夜最美
來來來 快快快 莫問今夜多淒涼
來來來 快快快 今夜不醉不散場
來來來 大家一起來 一起來不醉不散場
一杯酒呀兩杯酒呀 三杯四杯成知己
這人生呀百態 真真假假莫問
一杯酒呀 兩杯酒呀 三杯四杯酒逢知己
來一個 再來一個 今夜不醉不散場
今夜不醉不散場 唱出人生唱出真實自我
來一個 再來一個 一起來盡情盡興到天明
留下這真情流露 今夜不醉不散場
There are ninety-nine problems in life,
But I'll drink with you tonight.
One drink turns into two, into three, into four, into friends.
Life is a game of deceit, but tonight let's just forget.
Tonight I'll drink with you, I'll sing with you,
Tonight life is beautiful.
Come on, let's all get drunk together, forget about tomorrow.
One more drink turns into two, into three, into singing and laughing.
Life is beautiful when we let it be.
Come on, let's all get drunk together.