看著我 不要用那雙眼睛看著我
我現在變得醜陋 無法忍受
我現在變得醜陋 無法忍受
看著我 不要用那雙眼睛看著我
我現在變得醜陋 無法忍受
我現在變得醜陋 無法忍受
明顯 你不愛我 但為何你不早點說出來
如今我要再次適應 我總是改變的愛情啊
將所有的關鍵都拋給了我 看樣子 你像個萬金油一樣存在
因此我要重溫無人疼愛的日子 你再不退後
那我現在 就直接來談錢吧 我好不捨得離去喔 全部都不在意啊 你如此為了我 就再拖一下吧 但是我在與否 在現場當前讓人總感覺可笑可憐 可悲 痛苦 而煩躁吧 但這個卻是你的動物行動喔 你再拖下去的話那就不得不相信這個啦 看吧看吧 你自己也知道我很冷血
那就如你所願 我該拿你怎麼辦呢
真的好像錢幣 看來你也是總拿利益考慮的吧 看樣子 是玩玩的 我將成為你那微不足道的戀愛風景了吧 所以就此放棄吧 再見了 中途而返吧 還有你的那些話 真的讓人很火大啊 中途而返吧 還有你的那些話 真的讓人很火大啊 中途而返吧 還有你的那些話 真的讓人很火大啊 不要再說了 我現在要走了 我現在變得醜陋 無法忍受
Look at me Don't look at me like that
I'm ugly now I can't stand it
I'm ugly now I can't stand it
Look at me Don't look at me like that
I'm ugly now I can't stand it
You only love me now Why didn't you find me sooner?
Why didn't you find me sooner? You only love me now
I'm ugly now I can't stand it
Clearly you don't love me But why didn't you say it sooner?
I'll have to adjust again To this love that changes all the time Love, love, always changing, I can't take it No more key moments in my life like a slot machine Oh, you were always hovering around like a piece of pocket change Now I gotta go through and relive my days of being overlooked? You gotta make me wait? Then what? You gotta make me beg? I'm not letting go so easily Oh no, not this time I'm not made of money Look at me now I can't stand it Look at me Now I'm ugly now I can't stand it Look at me Now I'm ugly now I can't stand it Look at me Now I'm ugly now I can't stand it Look at me Don't look at me like that Look at me now I'm over it You said all the right things to win my heart But you don't know what to do with it Now I have to re-adjust Look at me now Look at me Look at me Now Look at me Look at me Look at me Now I want to believe you But you're only using me up to your needs How could you play with my emotions like a currency? I guess this is just who I am Don't want a pretty face I want your money I don't care about love or what they say Because if they only knew How easy they would fall When you show them a pretty face and sweet talk But if they only knew who was behind the mask Then maybe they would turn around and walk away 'Cause right now they think It would be cheap and laughable Oh, it looks like it, but when push comes to shove, my, oh, my Don't act surprised, cause baby I'm on the take This your time and then its gone Goodbye and screw the law that gets you so hard See if you really got something Real real good or is it all for show Well you ain't the first player They never get one More base for a bag But, this one better end up in the bank bag But you don't get it Baby bye bye like all of your other flings Gotta stay focus up for all these diamonds That your running through like water in the desert Don't look at me like