A part of me will always be on the titanic
A part of me that you can't imagine
With you my heart could've set sail
And everytime I let you in my world
You leave a part of you behind
And now I'm drifting, drifting in the ocean
With no direction home
And I'm on my own, on my own
In this endless ocean
I'm just a soul without a destination
And I'm on my own, on my own
With no light to guide me home
I'm lost at sea, a soul in tears
Just praying you'll recall me, though a dream has died
My love will never fade away
We'll always be together somewhere, somewhere
On the titanic. (2x)
這是一首關於鐵達尼號的歌曲,描述了主人公在鐵達尼號沉沒後的孤獨和無助。其中,“A part of me will always be on the titanic”表示主人公的一部分生命永遠留在了鐵達尼號上。這首歌也表達了主人公對愛情的堅定信仰,即使夢已經破滅,他的愛也不會消失。最後一節歌詞表達了主人公在無盡的海洋中漂泊,沒有方向,沒有指引回家的燈塔,只能在心中祈禱對方能夠回憶起自己。整首歌充滿了悲傷和懷念的情感。