

西野的淚光 閃爍在唇上

靜靜嘗著 背叛的傷

你是個迷 我是個謊

相愛的形狀 變了形狀

回憶不腐 像死去的花

若沒在美夢裏溺死 就別醒來

If I fall into the abyss of love

Should I still believe in tomorrow?

My eyes can't bear the tears anymore

And my heart is shattered into pieces

I want to cry for you, forever and ever

But you won't feel my pain, will you?

淚流成河 我用愛洗澡

每個靈魂 都殘破不堪

越陷越深 越掙扎越亂

我的心在流浪 而你在哪端?

If I fall into the abyss of love

Should I still believe in tomorrow?

My eyes can't bear the tears anymore

And my heart is shattered into pieces

I want to cry for you, forever and ever

But you won't hear my pain, will you?

你的微笑 我的煎熬

像場荒誕的鬧劇 誰會笑?

愛恨都潦草 眼淚別潦草

別讓遺憾 耗盡我們的好

If I fall into the abyss of love

Should I still believe in tomorrow?

If I fall into the abyss of love again

Will I still believe it's not forever?

Oh baby, I want to go back

To the moment when we first fell in love...

But it's too late, everything's changed...