如重回相遇那天 與你坐在某小餐店
年月挫 habitants 自處旁若困處在外殼另眼向驚震尋覓蔚然崛起或喘息裏極幸或者痛苦告別脆弱與你一般希冀一個劫後餘生的新移民建立自己空間仍然 像熱戀衝擊
If we meet again on the day we first met,
Sitting in some small café in the snow,
Your shoulders beneath the falling snow,
The atmosphere was filled with a lingering affection.
The courage to take flight with you, I didn't understand back then.
Companionship brushes pass by us countless times,
If I had traveled with you back then,
I would have blundered through the skies with no fear.
But I lost control later.
How much love has once existed.
In the frenzy of the years, I only see my own fumbling.
Years pass by and residents of the shelter they create.
Find a new perspective.
Through struggle and hope, they will arise.
Or maybe in breathless relief, they will find incredible fortune.
And the bitter pain of parting.
Like you, I also hope for a rebirth.
Still hoping for a rejuvenation in flight.