時は流れて 英霊は生まれ
運命の轍を 駆け抜ける者たち
月に背く 霧雨に抱かれ
ただ一つの願い 握りしめた剣
ただひとつの夢を 追い求める者たち
どんな壁にも ぶつかれても
挫けそうな時も 振り払って
どんな暗闇にも 導かれる場所へ
震えても 叫んでも 君は君であろう
そうさ僕らは この世に立ち向かう者さ
剣を振る日々 盡きる日が來るなら
選んだ道を行こう 遠くなる心は 心さえかざすのさ
英雄たちよ この胸に輝く今を信じろ
新たな決闘開始 白銀色の閃光 刻む勇姿
ひとつひとつ真実に 生きた証を刻む者たち
今を熱く 心に響く鼓動に 生きる力さえ信じろ
英霊剣豪七番勝負 六花一刀繚亂歌詞中英文對照如下:
As time flows, spirits are born, crossing the fate track and galloping forward. Bearing the moonlight and embraced by misty rain, only one wish is held tightly in the sword. Those who pursue one dream, no matter what obstacles they face, must brush them aside, even at times of discouragement. No matter how dark the shadows may be, they must be led to a place. No matter what obstacles they face, they must persist. Even if they tremble and shout, you must be yourself. Yes, we are the ones who stand up and face the world in this world. If the day of wielding swords comes to an end, let us walk the path we have chosen. Let the weary heart be renewed, and believe in the power to live. Heroes, believe in the brightness of this moment in your hearts. The new duel has begun, and the white silver flash engraves the brave posture. One by one, they carve out the true witness of life. Let the present be filled with passion, and let the beating heart believe in the power to live.