以下是聖歌"Oh Happy Day"的歌詞:
Oh happy day, when Jesus washed me in the blood of the Lamb,
Oh happy day, when we will see His face and be at home.
Oh happy day, the shouting will resound up to heaven above,
Oh happy day, when Jesus comes and calls our name.
Oh happy day, when we will reign with Him a thousand years,
Oh happy day, when all this world will be as dead and gone.
Oh happy day, when every tear is wiped away,
Oh happy day, when Jesus reigns and all is well.
這是一首讚美耶穌基督的詩歌,表達了人們在基督里得救贖、得永生後的喜悅心情。歌詞中多次出現“oh happy day”,表達了人們對於美好未來的期待和嚮往。