My soul is moved with a spirit,
A holy feeling from the heart of God.
Please lead me, Lord,
Through the gate of salvation,
Into the eternal realm.
I bow my head in gratitude,
For His unending love never leaves.
Please protect me, Lord,
From all the dangers of this world,
And keep me safe in Your embrace.
I bow my heart in praise,
For the countless ways He has blessed me.
Thank You, Lord, for Your mercy and grace,
For Your never-ending love and compassion.
I bow my feet in obedience,
To follow the path You have laid out for me.
May I never stray from Your commandments,
But always remain faithful and true.
Finally, I bow my knees in prayer,
For a life filled with joy and peace.
Please shower me with Your blessings,
And grant me the strength to endure all trials and tribulations.