歌詞feel my heart

您要找的歌詞“Feel My Heart”可能有不同的曲調和不同的歌手演唱,因為這是一個非常普遍的標題。如果您能提供更多的信息,例如歌曲的來源或特定的藝術家,我將盡力為您提供正確的歌詞。

在一般情況下,歌曲“Feel My Heart”的歌詞可能是這樣的:

Verse 1:

Feels like my heart's on fire

Trying to keep it from hurting

Trying to find a way to keep moving

But I can't keep running from myself


Feel my heart, it's beating strong

It's the only thing that's keeping me alive

Feel my heart, it's beating fast

It's the only thing that's keeping me awake

Verse 2:

Sometimes I feel alone

But I know I'm not the only one

Trying to find a way to let go

But I can't let go of my past


Feel my heart, it's beating strong

It's the only thing that's keeping me alive

Feel my heart, it's beating fast

It's the only thing that's keeping me awake


I know I can't run away from myself

I know I can't hide from my feelings

But I know I can let them out

And let them guide me to a better life


Feel my heart, it's beating strong

It's the only thing that's keeping me alive

Feel my heart, it's beating fast

It's the only thing that's real to me
