

Verdi rows and baselines,

Put some motion in your feet,

All of this emotion,

Make some motion out of the beat,

Symphony's like a whirlwind,

Take it to the top of your lungs,

Let it all out,

Let it all out,

Rock your body like you're listening to Mozart.


Everybody dance now,

Rock your body like you're listening to music,

Everybody dance now,

Rock your body like you're listening to music.

Verse 2:

Symphony in your face,

Make it last forever more,

Bass drum be like boom-bap,

Mellow it down like J-Smooth,

Rock and roll, I got your back,

But let the melody play now,

Gonna go wild for this melody.


Everybody dance now,

Rock your body like you're listening to music.

Everybody dance now,

Rock your body like you're listening to music.


So what if you're a hip-hopper?

So what if you're a popper?

You can rock to this rhythm,

This beat is the Mozart of rhythm.

So come on and let loose,

Move your body like you're listening to music.

Everybody dance now.

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