

我該怎麼說 I don't know how to say

對不起我錯了 I'm sorry I was wrong

我知道這不是真正的 I know that's not

真正的愛情 what true love is

因為我的愚昧和自私 My folly and selfishness

你背著我哭泣 You cried behind my back

而我的心已冷掉 My heart grew cold

雖然這樣我還是 I still

想著我還是愛著你 I love you

但是你卻對我毫無感覺 But you didn't feel anything for me

我想愛你想讓你幸福 I want to love you and make you happy

想給你最好的我想對你好 I want to give you the best of me and be good to you

當我想到過去的甜蜜回憶 When I think of the sweet memories of the past

我的心中滿是痛苦 My heart is filled with pain

愛你的話依然出口成章 The words I love you still come easily to my lips

我不明白為何無法再繼續下去 I don't understand why we can't just continue

雖然知道如此這樣下去只會傷害你 I know continuing like this will only hurt you

所以這是我最後一次說對不起 So this is my last apology

如果願意再給我一個機會 If you're willing to give me one more chance

我會改過自新 I'll make it right 我會讓你看到我不同的面貌 I'll show you a different side of me