大娛樂家this is me歌詞

《This Is Me》是電影《大娛樂家》的主題曲,由原詞作者和歌手共同創作完成。以下是這首歌的歌詞:

Verse 1:

I'm the kid with no way home

The loser who lost every game

I'm the one they call



But I know there's a reason why

I was put here on this earth

And I'm not gonna wait till I die


This is me

Celebrate me

Cause I know who I am

And I'm okay with that

Cause I'm a diamond in the rough

And I'm gonna shine bright

This is me

Verse 2:

I'm the one who never fit in

The dreamer who's been up in the clouds

Trying to make sense of all this madness

Living in my head again


And now my head is clear

The universe has led me here

Somewhere where I belong with every scar


This is me

Celebrate me

Cause I know who I am

And I'm not gonna lie

Cause there's magic in the melodies

And harmony is found inside

This is me

Singing: This is me (repeat)


It doesn't matter what they say (say)

Cause I believe in fate (fate)

Just look at the beauty of creation, we're stardust (stardust)

Chorus: (different lyrics)

This is me, this is who I am, this is real, this is who I feel, this is why they love them, and I love me too.

Singing: This is me (repeat)

以上就是《This Is Me》的歌詞,希望對你有所幫助。這首歌表達了對於自我認知和接納的堅定信念,是一個非常鼓舞人心的歌曲。