聖誕歌曲《Single Bell》(Single Bell(Single Bells))歌詞:
Single, single bell, ring-ting-tingh.
Strike one for happiness, two for cheer.
Three to signify our faith, and four to seal our word.
Single bells are ringing, so let all beware.
All around the world, let everyone be gay.
Let all the joys of love, be in our heart today.
Let all be kind to one, and all shall be in tune.
For single bells are ringing, so let all be sure.
以上就是《Single Bell》的部分歌詞內容,歌曲總體傳達了在聖誕節歡慶和傳遞愛的信息。在具體演唱中,可根據需要和環境添加和調整歌曲節奏、調高等要素。請注意,這個答案基於我所知道的信息,如果有新的版本或者翻譯可能會有所不同。