Verse 1:
I saw your face in the crowd
But you were looking down
And I was lost in the crowd
But I found my way to you
And it's like a rainbow in the sky
Everytime I see your smile
You give me hope every night
It's like a beautiful rainbow inside
Verse 2:
It's like a second chance again
Just when I thought I was done
And you came into my life
Like a dream that came true
And it's like a rainbow in the sky
Everytime I see your smile
You give me hope every night
It's like a beautiful rainbow inside
When everything seemed dead and gone
You came along and saved my soul
Now I'm strong enough to know
That we'll never walk alone
And it's like a rainbow in the sky
Everytime I see your smile
You give me hope every night
You're my beautiful rainbow inside
So here we are together again請用“兩”字組詞,並造句。以下是幾個用“兩”組詞並造句的例子:
·兩全其美:他總是追求兩全其美的境界。造句如下:1. 我們需要把這個問題考慮清楚,以免造成兩頭落空的結果。2. 我們需要兼顧經濟效益和社會效益,做到兩全其美。3. 這兩個人各有優缺點,需要好好權衡,才能做出兩全其美的決策。4. 做事要瞻前顧後,考慮周全,才能做到兩不誤。5. 我們在工作中要學會權衡利弊,做出兩全其美的選擇。6. 如果你想要同時追求事業和家庭,就需要做出一些犧牲和妥協,做到兩不耽誤。7. 如果你想在事業上取得成功,就需要不斷學習、提高自己的能力,做到兩不辜負。8. 只有全面考慮問題,才能做到兩全其美。9. 我們需要找到一個平衡點,既要保證工作質量,又要兼顧家庭生活,做到兩不誤。