


飽了沒 飽了沒 飢餓的靈魂傷害著自己

飽了沒 飽了沒 麵包店的香味飄過去

不管啦 不管啦 撲鼻的香氣在撲鼻

這一鍋 好滋味

吃飽了沒 我問妳


吃飽了沒 我問妳


日復一日 月復一月 夢想還在等待明天 拿起書本揮揮手沒在看 就靠甜食維持小命垂 多甜美的勝利也不靠

嘿 看這個雞腿雞腿還在微笑努力陪伴你的模樣 大聲笑啊 想吃飽容易 愛吃不努力 沒有好吃當然餓呀 愛吃的狼啊 請多吃兩碗肉滿漢你飽啊

吃飽了沒 我問妳


吃飽了沒 我問妳

不是吧 看妳每天滿臉笑容地活下去

吃飽了沒 我問妳 人生其實就是這樣呀 每一天都是滿滿的吃飯幸福滿溢 愛吃的狼啊 你飽了嗎?你吃飽了嗎?吃了滿足飽飽肚好好入睡~ 晚餐請你大膽多吃一些 不吃好嗎 不飽為什麼 這樣呀 吃餐再減肥 沒聽人家說過飯前要微笑呀?早餐到午餐最重要 先滿足你才好午餐~睡好精神足 人變壯 會走天涯 到明天的路有點遠 讓吃的滿滿的走更好翻




eat up, eat up, eat up, eat up, eat up, eat up, eat up, eat up, eat up, eat up, eat up, eat up, eat up. 飽了沒? 這一個晚餐一定滿足你的胃口,幸福滿滿溢出來!。

飽了沒?我問你。為何總是找不到吃飽的感覺?。 飽了沒?我問你。明明不算是胃口大的傢伙,為何總是抱怨肚子餓呢?。 日復一日,月復一月,夢想還在等待明天,那就起來吧!拿起書本,儘管苦讀也會有人說閒話。不怕失敗!把零食拋棄了去走好遠的路!餓了想吃飽怎么辦?選擇真的好多好多~ 先要來一盤好飯再說~滿足的笑臉你笑出來!看什麼看你為什麼覺得厭倦今天如此一天吧,一起用心去吃好吃的去心情更好更好啦!。 飽了沒?我問你。人生其實就是這樣呀!吃飽了睡,睡飽了吃,幸福滿滿溢出來!。 早餐到午餐最重要,先滿足你才是真美好!。吃飽了嗎?愛吃的狼啊! 你吃飽了嗎?吃了滿足飽飽肚好好入睡~晚安,睡飽的一天,準備再次戰鬥! I am full. Are you full? Hunger hurts the soul. I am full. Are you full? The fragrance of the bakery floats by. Let's eat up! Let's eat up! Let's eat up! Eat it all up! Eat it all up! Eat it all up! You are full? I ask you. Why can't I find the feeling of being full? I am full? I ask you. Not really a big eater and yet always complain of hunger? Day after day, month after month, the dream is waiting for tomorrow. Get up! Pick up your books and read diligently. Even if others say so, don't give up on sweet snacks. There are many ways to be full and happy! Don't give in to the temptation of eating before going to bed. A good dinner is the most important from breakfast to lunch. Satisfy yourself first before going out to see the world. You are full? I ask you. Life is like this after all! Sleeping and eating, and happiness overflowing! You are full? You feel full after eating? Goodnight. A good sleep awaits you after a full day of eating and fighting! Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey Hey hey hey hey hey Hey hey hey Hey hey Hey hey Hey hey Hey hey Hey hey Hey hey Hey hey Hey hey Hey hey Hey hey Hey hey Hey hey Hey hey Hey hey Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey~ Hey~ Hey~ Hey~ Hey~ Hey~ Hey~ Hey~ Hey~ Hey~ Hey~ Hey~ Yeah~ Yeah~ Yeah~ Yeah~ Yeah~ Yeah~