1. “在人間疾苦中,我尋找著天堂”
譯文:In this world of woe, I search for heaven.
2. “我渴望,我渴望,飛向那光明的所在”
譯文:I long, I long to fly to the bright abode.
3. “我在黑暗中摸索,尋找著出路”
譯文:I grope in the dark, searching for a way out.
4. “在崎嶇的路上,我跌跌撞撞前行”
譯文:On the bumpy road, I stumble forward.
5. “當我看見你時,我找到了希望”
譯文:When I saw you, I found hope.
6. “你是我心中永恆的光,指引我前行”
譯文:You are the eternal light in my heart, guiding me forward.
7. “當我跌倒時,你伸出援手”
譯文:When I fall, you extend a helping hand.
8. “你是我的力量,帶我走向光明”
譯文:You are my strength, leading me to the light.