

* 人生不過是夢中夢,你是你夢中夢的夢中夢。

(Life is just a dream within a dream, you are a dream within another dream within a dream within a dream.)

* 明天的我比今天更美,人生就是要過得精彩。

(Tomorrow is more beautiful than today, the purpose of life is to live it brilliantly.)

* 人生總是充滿了未知與奇遇,我們總是勇往直前。

(Life is always full of unknown and encounters, we always forge ahead.)

* 人生就像風中飛翔的翅膀,無法預知下一刻會飛向何方。

(Life is like wings flying in the wind, we cannot predict where they will fly to next.)

* 人生總是充滿了喜怒哀樂,我們總是面對一切。

(Life is always full of emotions, we always face everything.)

* 人生總是充滿了希望與失望,我們總是勇往直前。

(Life is always full of hope and disappointment, we always forge ahead.)

* 人生就像一首歌,有高潮有低谷,有苦有甜。

(Life is like a song, with highs and lows, with苦 and sweetness.)

* 人生總是充滿了變化與奇遇,我們總是勇往直前,不畏懼未來。

(Life is always full of changes and encounters, we always forge ahead, fearless of the future.)
