uptown funk英歌詞

"Uptown Funk" 是由美國歌手Mark Ronson創作並由美國嘻哈音樂家Bruno Mars演唱的一首歌曲,曾作為電影《星球大戰:原力覺醒》的主題曲。



Uptown Funk, you up

Up in your dress, in the kitchen, backseat of my ride

I don't want none, just gonna have me some fun


Get it Get it

Uh oh oh oh

Woke up on the right side of the bed

Rise up and call my own shots today

Super sleek and flawless like a James Jean

Put the green on, feelin' fine, now we ride in uptown style


Get it Get it

Uh oh oh oh

You look so sexy on the dance floor

Yeah, I'm a star, and you my superstar

I'm a star, and you my superstar

Super sleek and flawless like a James Jean

Put the green on, feelin' fine, now we ride in uptown style


Uptown funk, you up

Up in your dress, in the kitchen, backseat of my ride

I don't want none, just gonna have me some fun

Yeah, we ride in uptown style


Yeah, I'm a star, and you my superstar (2x)

So I just keep you close to my heart (3x)

Make a plan in my mind (we ain't gon share)

The superstars together in our zone of plenty of fun

All around the town with some keg of whiskey唐朝衰落的三個階段分別是?(唐朝衰落的三個階段)
