song of the vagabonds歌詞

《Song of the Vagabonds》的歌詞如下:

Verse 1:

We're the wandering ones, we've got no home

We've been through all kinds of weather, wind and rain

We've been on the road, we've been on our own

Through the mountains and the valleys, we've been all around


So come with us, we'll take you along

We'll sing you a song of the vagabonds

We'll tell you a tale of adventure and fun

Come with us, we'll take you along

Verse 2:

We've been through the fire, we've been through the flood

We've been through the darkest nights and the brightest days

But we keep on going, we keep on surviving

Through the highs and lows, we're still standing tall


So come with us, we'll take you along

We'll sing you a song of the vagabonds

We'll tell you a tale of adventure and fun

Come with us, we'll take you along


You may be lost, you may be found

But if you're feeling alone, come with us now

We'll take you along, we'll show you the way

Through the mountains and the valleys, we'll take you away


So come with us, we'll take you along

We'll sing you a song of the vagabonds

We'll tell you a tale of adventure and fun

Come with us, we can be one now

And we'll sing forevermore, under the stars and above

And so we'll journey on, through all seasons and all years

Underneath the open sky, with vagabonds forevermore


So come with us, and be a vagabond too

Forever wandering, forever free心率加快可能是由於身體什麼方面原因? 心率加快可能由多種因素引起,這些因素通常涉及身體的各個方面。以下是一些可能導致心率加快的因素:

1. 情緒激動:情緒激動時,如興奮、恐懼、緊張、憤怒等,可能導致心率加快。這是因為交感神經系統的激活,使心臟收縮加快,心率增加。

2. 運動或體力活動:運動或體力活動會增加心率,這是身體需要更多的氧氣和營養物質以滿足肌肉的需求。

3. 疾病或藥物:某些疾病,如甲狀腺亢進、貧血、發熱等,以及某些藥物,如咖啡因、麻黃素等,都可能導致心率加快。此外,心臟疾病,如心律失常、心肌缺血等,也可能導致心率加快。

4. 身體缺氧:缺氧可能導致心率加快,以增加血液供應到需要氧氣的器官和組織。

5. 睡眠障礙:睡眠障礙,如失眠、呼吸暫停綜合徵等,可能導致夜間心率加快。

6. 身體應激:在面對緊急情況或威脅時,身體會通過增加心率來提高血液循環,以提供更多的氧氣和營養物質到身體的各個部位。

7. 其他因素:環境溫度、飲食、藥物使用等也可能影響心率。例如,咖啡因、酒精和某些藥物可能導致心率加快。
