share the world羅馬歌詞

《Share the World》的羅馬歌詞如下:

Verse 1:

Yo Yo Yo

Yo Yo Yo

Let me tell you something about a new lifestyle

This one's for the city boys and girls in the digital age


Share the world

It's a global adventure

Share the world

So we don't have to feel lonely

Verse 2:

On a plane and on a train

Looking at the same old thing again and again

But we're not bored because we're having fun

With our friends and family around us


Share the world

It's a global adventure

Share the world

So we don't have to feel lonely


Life is like a beautiful painting

You can't complete it alone

So let's join hands and create something amazing together


Share the world

It's a global adventure

Share the world

With you and me together


So let's share the world together,shall we? It's fun! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!