m flo astromantic歌詞

"m flo astromantic" 是歌曲 "M.F.L.O" 的歌詞。以下是歌詞的英文版:

Verse 1:

I'm feeling lonely, I'm feeling lost

Without you here, I'm feeling lost

I'm feeling like a star, I'm feeling astronaut

In space without a planet to land on


M.F.L.O, astronauts in love

Floating in space, feeling alone

M.F.L.O, we're out of touch

Floating in space, feeling astromantic

Verse 2:

I'm feeling scared, I'm feeling blue

Without you here, I'm feeling blue

I'm feeling like a star, I'm feeling like a dream

In space without a planet to call my own


M.F.L.O, astronauts in love

Floating in space, feeling alone

M.F.L.O, we're out of touch

Floating in space, feeling astromantic


I miss your touch, I miss your warmth

In this cold, empty universe

But I know we're both out here

Floating through space, together forever


M.F.L.O, astronauts in love

Floating in space, feeling alone

M.F.L.O, we're out of touch

But we're never out of touch with each other


M.F.L.O, floating through space

Forever together, forever friends

M.F.L.O, we're astronauts in love

Forever together, forever forever.

以上就是 "M.F.L.O" 的歌詞,希望對你有所幫助。