longer than歌詞

《Longer Than》是Sheryl Crow演唱的一首歌曲,歌詞全文如下:

Verse 1:

I remember when we were young

We'd stay up all night and talk

It seemed like we had all the time in the world

And I could tell that you cared


Longer than yesterday

Forever in my heart

This love of ours won't disappear

It's longer than forever

But it's not today

Verse 2:

I look at you and I'm still in love

It's been so long I can't remember when

When I thought I could live without your love

Now I know that I can't



I've been through the highs and I've been through the lows

But this love has stood the test of time

And it's longer than forever

But it's not today

Verse 3:

Now we're older but still we hold on tight

And I can tell that our love is stronger still

Through the years you have been there by my side

Now and forevermore

(Chorus x2)


Longer than forever my friend

You and I will always be friends.

我們的生活從不曾回退。只可前進,不可後退。朋友之間永恆的友誼。這首歌的歌詞表達了長久的愛情和友情,即使歲月流逝,也無法抹去。這首歌是Sheryl Crow的代表作之一,歌詞優美,旋律動人。