lemon tree英文歌詞

以下是《Lemon Tree》的英文歌詞:

I'm sitting here in the boring room,

It's just another rainy sunday afternoon,

I'm wasting my time I got nothing to do,

I'm hanging around but I'm feeling down,

It's one more sunday my lemons are all gone,

So I'm just singing my favorite song.

But it's still the same I feel just the same,

Oh, I'm feeling lonely,

So I gather up the lemons that I found,

And I make the lemonade it tastes so good,

I'm laughing and I'm singing I feel just like I did,

When I was nine years old again,

The sun is shining in the rainbow sky,

It's another Sunday but it's not a letdown day,

I'm moving on I got nothing to lose,

I'm drinking my lemonade and I feel good.

Oh, it's a wonderful day.

I feel just fine, so come with me and bring your lemon tree.

以上就是《Lemon Tree》的英文歌詞,希望對你有所幫助。