gadoro go on歌詞

"gadoro go on"的完整歌詞如下:

Gadoro go on

Go on with your life

Find your dream and make it come true

Be the one to decide

On your own destiny

Take your chances

You can be whatever you want to be

Life's a game, don't be afraid to play

When you feel that you're on your own

And no one understands

Just remember, you're not alone

Gadoro go on

Life's a journey, not a destination

Take the wheel, control your destiny

Life's a gift, cherish every moment

It's up to you to make it worthwhile

Don't let fear hold you back

Just take a chance and make a change

You're the master of your fate

So gadoro go on

以上就是"gadoro go on"的完整歌詞。