beginner's sailing歌詞

"Beginner's Sailing" 是由Paul Simon 和 Art Garfunkel 共同演唱的一首歌曲。以下是這首歌的歌詞:


Sailing, sailing, on a beautiful day

Out on the ocean, with the sun on my face


I was happy, I was free, it seemed so right

Sailing, sailing, with no care in the world


Until that night, we ran upon the waves

I had made a promise to her I'd always stay


I'm no sailor, I'm a stranger in this port

She knew my story, but she loved my clothes too much


Now we're both standing here so alone

It's a bitter ending, but I'm not done


I'm learning to sail, I'm learning to love again

But I'm still learning, I'm still learning to trust


Sailing, sailing, on a beautiful day

Out on the ocean, with the sun on my face

Now there's nothing between us, there's only the sea

Sailing, sailing, it seems to me


The winds are blowing and I feel my feet upon the ground

And now my lessons are over, it's time to let go

Paul: Sailing, sailing.
