all you need is laugh歌詞

All You Need Is Laugh的歌詞如下:

Verse 1:

Everybody's laughing, we're having a good time

Life's a joke, so why not enjoy it

You don't have to worry, you don't have to stress

Just let it all out, and have a good laugh


All you need is laugh, and you'll be fine

Life's a game, so why not play it right

Just laugh and let it all go, you'll be alright

Life's a joke, so why not enjoy it

Verse 2:

Sometimes life gets you down, but you can't let it get you out

You gotta keep going, keep on moving forward

No matter what happens, you gotta keep your head up

Because life's a beautiful thing, so why not enjoy it


Life's a rollercoaster, ups and downs are part of it

But remember, it's all for the best

So laugh and enjoy every moment of it

Because life's a joke, so why not laugh?


All you need is laugh, and you'll be fine

Life's a game, so why not play it right

Just laugh and let it all go, you'll be alright

Life's a joke, so why not enjoy it


So laugh, and enjoy every moment of life

Because life's a beautiful thing, so why not enjoy it?

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